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GQS Singapore kick starts SOC 2 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 1, PCI DSS Level 4 ROC assessment

In the today’s world of cyber threat landscape, the businesses must take care of the sensitive data of client. The customers are expecting high transparency in handling their data by the company. The SOC framework and the associated series talk about the ways to establish an effective information security control. The SOC 2 Type 1 covers about the internal control for financial statements and reporting. The SOC 2 Type 2 mentions about the internal control for security, confidentiality, and the availability of customer data. Organizations that provide services impacting a client’s financial statement must undergo these assessments and this can be well provided by the Global Quality Services. According to the merchant transactions, the payment transaction policy changes and the PCI DSS compliance is mandatory to take care of. The levels vary according to the merchant levels and Global Quality Services will take care of the compliance of all merchant levels including PCI DSS level 4 ROC assessments.

GQS  in Singapore provides the asset and fund intelligence for commercial real estate and they help clients to monitor, manage and react to their key asset and fund. GQS group makes client to fall in line with the SOC 2 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 1 and the PCI DSS level 4 ROC assessments from the Global Quality Services. Our standardized approach helps them to deal with all the audits and assessments on time and our team of expert professionals are available at all times to resolve for issues.

For More Information drop an email to  [email protected]

Services Offered :- Singapore, Australia, New Zealand , Penang, Batam , Hongkong, Manila, Batangas, Laguna, any location in Philippines, Maldives, Thailand, South Korea, Myanmar, Indonesia